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Thursday, September 20

It's been a while...

Since I've posted anything, so I'll try to include updates on everything!

I've had strep throat/tonsillitis twice in the past month, which has prompted for an ENT visit. Of course, the doctor wants me to have my tonsils removed. For adults, that requires a 2 week recovery period. What full-time working mother has time for that? Anyway, I won't be able to work or pick Noah up for a full two weeks after the surgery. But, it guarantees I'll never get it again - which is the end result I want. 4 times in less than a year period is WAY too many times for me. That is the most unpleasant sickness I have ever experienced. I would rather go through labor again (well...with the epidural) than have my tonsils blister and swell like they did. So, I broke down and scheduled the surgery for Nov 1. I may have second thoughts and end up cancelling it, but for now, it's scheduled.

Noah had his share of being sick recently also. We've been battling with his ears draining. He has definitely developed a fear of doctor offices. I can't take him into a doctor office room without him screaming the entire time pointing at the door! But I don't blame him. They have had to "vaccum" the drainage from his ear two different times. That involves us restraining him. I'm not sure who hates it more - me or him. It breaks my heart. But, I think we have finally won the battle and his ears have cleared up!!! He also had a virus last week that made him just want to be held. Obviously, I didn't mind the cuddling, but boy when he was mad, he was MAD!

And most of you know that Billy turned 30 on Sept 19. His surprise birthday party was a success. We had a good turnout and the kids (adults too) enjoyed all the outdoor activities and the cornhole games! It was a beautiful day and we received exciting news from our friends. They shared with us that they are expecting twins! We are very excited for them, as we know they have been through a lot in the past few years! We are happy that they get to experience the joys of being a parent - there's nothing like it!

Wednesday, September 19

Happy 30th Birthday Billy!

Hope you have a great day! And don't forget that you are now 30 and I'm still in my 20's!!!