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Friday, April 24

Enjoying every moment

Happy Friday to everyone! Time sure is flying. Kenley will be 6 weeks old on Sunday already. I can't believe it!
I am not sure how I lucked out and got her to smile! But I love it!
This is the blanket we got from Progressive. Thank you everyone!

Kenley and Noah are both doing great. Kenley is growing so much and so fast, it's just crazy. I forgot just how fast they change when they are this young. Noah is still being an awesome big brother. He was feeding her a bottle yesterday...all by himself. He did a great job! He still always asks to hold her, gives her sweet kisses and anytime she cries, he tells her "it's okay sissy, mommy will get you".

Noah has had a rough month as far as being sick. He just got over the hand, foot, and mouth virus and his ruptured ear drum. I sure hope he stays well now! He has been sick off and on since the week before Kenley was born (including on his birthday and on Easter). Poor little guy! But he seems to be back to himself and is goofier than ever!
He gets his style from his Uncle Aaron (really - Aaron bought him everything he's wearing except the socks)I told him to smile big - he listened!

Kenley is still a great sleeper! There are nights where she will sleep 7 hours straight!!! I will take than anyday! If she does get up in the middle of the night, it is usually only one time. And unless she needs to poop (it takes her a while to get it out) , she goes right back to sleep!

Just a reminder for those who would like to leave Kenley a message on her website, Click here.
We had Noah and Kenley's pictures taken together this week. Kenley was ready to eat, so she didn't cooperate too much, but we still got some great pictures either way. I will share a few.

We are looking forward to Kenley's baptism on May 10. Avery and Kenley will be baptized the same day! It will make for a perfect Mother's Day!

Take care and keep in touch!

Friday, April 3

Keeping busy!

Hello to everyone following our site! Hope this finds you doing well! Everything is going great in the Lamont household. Definitely keeping busy!!! Also, we want to say CONGRATULATIONS to Chad, Katie and Carter on the arrival of Avery Elizabeth! She was born on Tuesday, March 31 at 6:25 pm and was 6 lbs 9 oz. She is beautiful!

We celebrated Noah's birthday, even though he had a fever and wasn't quite himself. It is hard to believe he is already 3! Time flies so fast. And now that Kenley is here, time is going by even faster. She is almost 3 weeks old now and I just can't believe it. Here is a picture of our babies! We are completely in love! If you click the picture, it will open an album so you can view a few more. As you scroll through the pictures, you will see that Noah got a power wheels jeep for his birthday. He's still not too sure of it, but he's getting more comfortable driving it around, and I'm sure he'll be loving it soon enough! One thing we know he absolutely LOVES is the new swing set and slide we have. Now, we just need the nice, warm weather to come and STAY so he can enjoy it!

Noah is still being a great big brother. He had a cranky week last week, but he also had a fever. He has been great with Kenley, he was just extra clingy and whiny with me. I guess he was not ready to share his mommy. He also hasn't been feeling great. But, this week has been a different story. He is doing so much better this week, no fever, and he is back to himself. Even more extra wild and crazy, if that is possible! He always asks to hold Kenley, tells her he loves her and how pretty she is. It definitely melts my heart!

This morning, as he was holding her, she got ahold of his thumb and started sucking it! He giggled and said she was silly for licking his thumb. But that was enough that he told me to get her and he quickly wiped his finger on the carpet. Guess he doesn't like baby spit on his hand?!?!

Both Kenley and Noah had a doctor's appointment this week. It was Noah's 3 year appt and Kenley's follow up appointment. They are both doing great! Kenley now weighs 9 lbs 7 oz! She is a great baby and quickly got her days and nights figured out. She typically sleeps 4 hours at a time at night. She usually just gets up once around 2 or 3 am to eat and she goes right back to sleep. That is great!! It was a LONG time before Noah had slept that well. She definitely likes her sleep (like both her mommy and daddy)!

Kenley is being baptized on Sunday, May 10. This also happens to be Mother's Day. Noah was actually baptized on Mother's Day too!

Well...keep checking back to the site. I will try to keep it updated as much as possible! And in the meantime, enjoy the photos!