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Thursday, July 30

Teething, drooling, laughing, rolling over…

Yes, our little baby girl is growing up all too fast.  She weighed 15 lbs 12 oz at her 4 month check up and is 27” long!  The same day of her check up, she started cutting her two bottom teeth!  Crazy!  Noah got his first two teeth at four months also, so I shouldn’t be surprised I guess! 

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Aside from being able to hear myself, I love this video!  Kenley has the hiccups here too!

Noah has been learning so much at “school” aka daycare.  He is in the preschool room and we have seen such a big difference in so many things with him.  The daycare has math, language, art, science, plays, etc… every day.  Although they have this each day now, they will be a more structured (9-11 am everyday) when the school year starts in a few weeks.  He will be learning to write his letters!  I can’t believe that?!?!  One thing is for sure, my baby boy is now a little man :-)  and :-( at the same time.

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We had a cookout a few weeks ago.  Noah had a blast playing with all his friends.  We enjoyed being able to see everyone too.  It had been some time since seeing some of our friends!

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Shylee (9 mos), Kenley (4 mos), Jace (7 mos), and Avery (4 mos)

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Colton (2), Carter (3), Noah (3), Gavin (4) and Logan (3)

Of course, I can’t have a posting without having a picture of the two together.

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I thought I’d also post pictures of me with the kids too.  I prefer pictures of my kids without me in them though!

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And last, but definitely not least, I wanted to mention my Grandma Hurst.  It has now been a year since she passed away.  I miss her so much and regret not seeing her more than I did in the years before her death.  I will never forget the look on her face each time I was able to come visit.  Her eyes lit up like George Straight (her favorite), just walked in the door or something.  I have so many great memories with her and will NEVER EVER forget them.  I love and miss you always Grandma!