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Monday, October 5

Catching up…

Okay, so, it’s been just a little while since I’ve updated the blog!  Sorry about that!  We’ve been so busy, I don’t even know where to begin.

I guess I’ll start with Miss Kenley.  She is now almost 7 months old (Oct 15) and at her last well check up, she was 18 lbs 10 oz and 28 1/2” long!  She is a very healthy baby!  Last week, she started sitting up!!!  I couldn’t believe it!  I wasn’t really expecting it, but I had set her up on Noah’s bed, against my leg, while I was getting him dressed and she was doing so well.  So, later that evening, I tried to sit her on the floor to see how she would do!  She did it and was so proud of herself (as you can see from the picture below)!

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Noah has been getting to see and do a lot of new things recently.  We made a trip to the mountains of Letcher County to see Billy’s family.  While we were there, we took Noah to the top of a mountain for him to see.  He was in awe!  He loved it.  Papaw Lamont was with us on the trip up the mountain, and Kenley and Mamaw Lamont stayed home.  Noah kept telling us about the tigers, bears, and ghosts(?) everywhere in the mountain.  He definitely enjoyed seeing the mountain and going up the really, really, really, REALLY big hill!

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The following weekend, we took Noah to Nashville for a three day trip.  We decided to take Noah on a special trip for being such a great big brother.  Kenley stayed with mimi and pappy, so she had fun getting spoiled!  Our trip started with a Disney on Ice show on day 1.  Day 2 was a trip to the Opry Mills Mall to eat at the Rainforest Cafe and then on to the Opryland Hotel to see everything there.  He enjoyed all of it so much.  He may have even liked the hotel and restaurant more than the Disney show.  He was just so excited about all of it.  And the last day consisted of going to the Nashville Zoo.  You can view pictures from our trip in the album below!

We also recently celebrated Billy’s 32nd birthday!  Noah helped daddy blow out his candles and also gave him 32 spakens!  Oh…and he has been singing Happy Birthday to daddy for the past few weeks.  I guess he doesn’t want it to be over!

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Up next, we have a trip to Louisville for our friends daughter’s birthday party, a Huber Winery trip, and our 8 year wedding anniversary (with another trip to Nashville to see the Keith Urban All for the Hall benefit concert – including Faith Hill, Lady Antebellem, Taylor Swift, Brad Paisley, Vince Gill, Jason Aldean, and Little Big Town).  So, our schedule is still packed full of things to do!  Our house probably feels neglected!

Our kids are growing way too fast.  I can’t believe they are so ‘grown up’.  Noah is spelling and writing his name, mom and dad, and is learning to spell Lamont.  He is doing great in pre-school, which he started in August.  It is amazing how quickly then learn at his age.  He is like a big, giant sponge!  Here are a few additional pictures I wanted to share. 

I have recently become an Usborne Books consultant.  They are a leader in educational children’s books.  I highly recommend the books.  I had purchased books from a book fair when we lived in Louisville, and Noah loves the books.  I had purchased more since then and they are his favorite.  If your are interested in purchasing books, you can visit my website at  Also, if you would like to host a home show (or e-show) to earn free merchandise, please let me know!  Please feel free to share the information with your friends and coworkers!!

Hope everyone is doing well!  Please keep in touch and hope to see everyone soon!