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Wednesday, January 13

Ringing in 2010

So, it’s obvious I’m not great at keeping this blog updated.  I have no excuses other than forgetfulness and laziness I suppose.  I do most of my posting on Facebook, so if you have an account, find me there!

The year 2009 flew by so fast, it’s crazy.  Miss Kenley made her arrival and I don’t think we’ve had a moment to breathe since! ha ha 

As we ring in 2010, there is so much ahead.  My baby girl will already be a year old in just two months, I turn the big 3-0 and our baby boy will be 4!  All in a weeks time!  I can’t believe it.  I know I shouldn’t be thinking about this yet, but I can’t help myself!  Noah will be starting kindergarten next year already! AAAAAHHHHHH  :-(  Also, Billy and I will be celebrating our 9 year wedding anniversary this year.  WOW!  The life with a KY boy is awesome! ;-)

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My new years resolution is meal planning.  That may sound boring, but it is something I hope to accomplish.  I read about so many mothers planning a month’s worth (or more) of meals at a time.  I have found many many new recipes to try and we are loving most of them so far, but I have one big challenge:  I HATE grocery shopping.  I am spending more time in a grocery store now to keep up with the ingredients and everything I need.  I am doing my best with it though and hope by the end of the year to have a ‘method’ in place that works for me to plan a month of meals at a time!  If you have any favorite recipes recommendations to send my way, I’d appreciate them!

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Billy has joined “The Biggest Loser” contest at a local fitness center.  It is a 12 week contest.  He will be on a team with weekly weigh in, nutrition planning, and will get to work with a trainer.  Billy definitely puts his all into something when he’s set to accomplish it (like his current project with the homemade wind turbine project).  So, any calls, notes, emails of encouragement will help keep him motivated! (hint hint)  I’m proud to see him take the first step to be involved in this.  And just a warning to you Billy…you better win!

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Noah has been doing great.  He is an awesome big brother.  He loves his sister, there’s no doubt.  He is doing awesome in pre-school.  He is getting so sensitive though (just like his daddy).  We can’t watch Disney movies with him anymore because he gets upset at all the sad parts, starts crying, and makes us turn the movie off.  Little stinker!  He plays with his imaginary friend “Googie” all the time.  Googie started as a person Noah was talking to in our basement, but he is now a worm.  Noah plays with him just about every day.  I’m really not sure how I feel about it? 

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Aside from a double ear infection that won’t go away, Kenley is also doing great.  She is crawling everywhere now and starting to eat solid foods.  She loves the little baby puffs, no doubt, but is now enjoying peas, mashed potatoes, breads, macaroni and cheese, etc… She does NOT enjoy medicine in any way, shape or form.  Which makes it difficult to treat her ear infection!  Her hair is getting longer and thicker.  It all curls up in the back – cute!  And she just adores her big brother, I can’t get over it.  I guess if my brother Aaron was as cute and sweet as Noah when we were little, I would have adored him too!  ha ha j/k Aaron!  You were cute… :-)

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Most of you probably know already, but I recently became an independent consultant for Usborne Books and More.  They publish fun and educational children’s books, activity kits, etc… You can visit my website at to see the selection.  If you, or someone you know, would be interested in hosting a show (home, catalog and/or online), please let me know! 

I don’t typically do this, but I am going to ask for some prayers.  First, for my uncle Greg.  He has been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor.  Please pray that he stays strong through his treatment!  Also for my cousin Angie and her husband, Daniel.  He is a Sergeant in the US Army and has been serving in Iraq since October, just a month after their wedding.  And also for my father in law, Charlie.  He has been fighting gall stones since having his gall bladder removed 4 years ago.  Let’s hope that this next procedure will FINALLY take care of everything!!

I hope that 2010 is a great year for you. 

PS… iPhones ROCK and the Twilight Series isn’t as dreadful as some people think (yes, I’ve been sucked into it)!