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Monday, August 20

Welcome Tyler and Casey!

My newest cousins were born Friday, August 17, 2007. Welcome to the family little ones!

Tyler Michael
6.0 lbs
20 inches
12:05 am

Casey Ryan
5.8 lbs
19 1/2 inches
12:06 am

Friday, August 17

Happy Birthday MOM!

Today is my mommy's 50th birthday! We love you mom! And she got a great birthday gift early this morning. Her sister had her twin boys on her birthday. So, happy birthday also to Tyler and Casey and congratulations to Micki and Corey!

Tuesday, August 14

Happy Birthday DAD!

Today is my daddy's 50th birthday! Love you!

Friday, August 10

Vegas Baby!

Most of you know that I was planning a trip to Vegas to see Tim McGraw and Faith Hill...I had front row seats to their show and I didn't want to pass it up. Then I was back and forth, back and forth on my decision to go because of the expenses! Also, something came up with work that Billy couldn't go with me anymore. I was so disappointed and torn. cousin Angie came to the rescue! She wanted to go with me on the trip! So we packed up and headed to Vegas! And what a trip it was! We stayed at the MGM since that is where the concert was.

We got there early Friday morning and had the whole day to "bake" out in the extremely miserable heat! But the sights and "hotels" - more like towns of their own - were amazing to see. We made it downtown to see the light show that night. Again, AMAZING! And we had a - I guess you could call it - ENTERTAINING? - trip on the shuttle bus back to the hotel.

Saturday we did more sight seeing and that night was the concert. We really had front row seats and it was so great. We both were able to get hand shakes (okay, more like a tap of the finger) from both Tim and Faith at least once! And at the end of their show, they came of the stage right in front of us. Of course, I took hundreds of pictures!

Sunday morning came really quick (as we only had two hours from the time we went to bed until we had to get up to make our flight). It was a nice quick getaway, but it was plenty of time for us to be there. I'm definitely glad we went and very thankful Angie wanted to go. I would've missed out on all the excitement and the awesome concert! Thank you Angie!

I also want to thank Billy for letting me go and being excited for me. I hate that he had to miss going on the trip, but he's been supportive of me going all along, even when I wasn't. So, I truly appreciate that! I love you Billy!

Click on the links below to enjoy more pictures!



Tuesday, August 7


On Friday, July 27, we threw a surprise 50th birthday party for my mom and dad. Their birthday's are both in August within 3 days of each other, so I figured it was worth celebrating.

Although my dad, being his sneaky self, knew about it (but didn't tell me), my mom was completely caught off guard. So, I'm glad we surprised at least one of them! There was lots of friends, family, drinking, and fun!

Dad's favorite gift was the cow patty with icing! Yes, it was real and someone was "brave" enough to actually icing it and write Happy Birthday Ken! YUCK!

Thanks to everyone who helped me plan the party. I couldn't have done it without you!