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Sunday, October 21

Our little pumpkin

Well...we did end up having to have the tube in Noah's right ear removed and replaced. It was not fun at all for any of us. Noah and I both had a harder time this time than the first time. I sure hope it's the end of his ear problems! He's been doing great since the surgery, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

He's developed a fear of doctors from all these dr visits we've had to take him to for his ears, which in turn, has made him more scared of strangers too. He absolutely does not want someone he doesn't know touching him. He proved that point when we got his haircut again the other day. He screamed almost the entire time. But he looked even more handsome (which I didn't think was possible) when it was over!
I took some before and after pictures...and believe me, the saying on his shirt stands very true!
Say cheese!

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