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Tuesday, December 4

Finally...a new post

I'm at home recovering from my tonsillectomy and figured I'd finally create a new post. My surgery went well and recovery has been much easier than I expected. I still have pain, but it's more of an annoying pain than a miserable pain. It has been that way since day one really.

I have missed my little boy though. Mom and Dad were able to keep him for the first few days which was very helpful. I am still not supposed to be picking him up, so Billy has had to do pretty much everything with Noah. He's been doing a great job taking care of things.

Noah is growing up so much. He's starting to say a lot more words, he loves to rough house, and he's enjoying all the Christmas hoopla so far, especially the movies and music that come with it.

And of course, I have more pictures to share!