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Tuesday, December 4

Finally...a new post

I'm at home recovering from my tonsillectomy and figured I'd finally create a new post. My surgery went well and recovery has been much easier than I expected. I still have pain, but it's more of an annoying pain than a miserable pain. It has been that way since day one really.

I have missed my little boy though. Mom and Dad were able to keep him for the first few days which was very helpful. I am still not supposed to be picking him up, so Billy has had to do pretty much everything with Noah. He's been doing a great job taking care of things.

Noah is growing up so much. He's starting to say a lot more words, he loves to rough house, and he's enjoying all the Christmas hoopla so far, especially the movies and music that come with it.

And of course, I have more pictures to share!

1 comment:

Candie said...

Hey gal! Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Hope you are back to your old self soon. I got your christmas card and I've decided that you need to call Gap kids, no need to try out or anything, once they see Noah's picture they'll be using him right away. He's just too beautiful! I'm 4 months and counting, it's so exciting! They are now kicking like crazy.