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Wednesday, January 28

Snowed in...

Well...we did end up getting just a "little" bit of snow with a layer of ice in the middle! What a mess! Dubois County is actually under a state of emergency today. Luckily we still have power (thanks to underground power lines), but there are several homes in the area without power.

Tuesday, January 27

Moving right along...

Well...I am now 32 1/2 weeks along in my pregnancy. I can't believe how fast time has gone by. I have less than 8 weeks left to go?!?! As of now, I am feeling great (knock on wood), but I am so anxious for her arrival too!
We are about 96% done with our bar area now too. Let's toast!
We are still waiting on some pieces to finish it, but other than that, we have everything ready to go. I think the area is now prepared for Billy's first "home brew"! He is ready to fill that kegarator! He is also very anxious to have some "stock the bar" parties. Those may have to wait until after Kenley is born, but we will have them soon enough, I'm sure!

I was able to be a little productive over the weekend and went through all the baby clothes to get out the neutral stuff that we can use for Kenley. I am still trying to find all the bottles and other misc items that we need. I think they may be mixed in with the toy storage containers. I have plenty of those to go through now. I bought some newborn diapers the other day and they are so tiny. It's crazy how you forget how little a baby is once you have a toddler! What a difference!

Wednesday, January 14

Noah in his "McQueen" glory

I love this boy!!! And he loves that McQueen character. His jammies, hat and sippy cup. Oh, and believe me, that's not the end of it!

Monday, January 12

Happy 2009!!!

Wow! 2009 is already here! Time sure flies. Our baby girl is due in just 68 more days. I can't believe it! We are so excited and anxious. We always hear that having two kids is much different than just one. So, we'll see how this all works out! Noah seems to be excited about having "sissy" here soon. He knows she'll be here around his birthday, but I'm not sure he comprehends that she'll be here to stay and not in my belly anymore. There have been several times, out of the blue, that he comes up to my belly and lays his head on it and says, "I like sissy" and he'll give my belly a kiss. It's so sweet. I'm sure when she's actually here, he'll have mixed emotions about it. He's definitely used to all the attention. He'll be learning to share mommy and daddy (and everyone else) now and it's going to be hard on him. We already know that!

Speaking of his birthday, he's going to be 3 in March and still is NOT potty trained. It's so aggravating. He knows that he's supposed to go on the potty, and there are days he does really well and then others he refuses to even go near it. I don't understand. He absolutely will not poopie on the potty for some reason. He did it like it was nothing when he first turned two, and now he just WON'T! I was hoping to have him out of diapers by the time the baby is here. It's not looking too promising there. I have even tried putting him in big boy underwear and he really does not care if he pees through. It doesn't bother him at all! AHHHHH. Oh well, I guess it'll be like he has been with everything else so day, a switch will flip and he'll be ready.
Thanks to my mom and Billy, the nursery is now painted and mostly ready to go. We are waiting on Noah's new furniture to be delivered to get the rest of it together. We're hoping to get that this Friday. My boy is getting too big! I can't believe he's going to be sleeping in a regular bed now!
I still need to hang a few things on the walls. But I think I have some time for that!!!
I was looking through some old photos recently and came across some pictures of our grandmother's that Billy and I have lost. The pictures brought back great memories!
Billy's Granny White with Debbie at Elaine's wedding, just before Granny passed away.

Noah, Billy and Grandma Lamont at her 101st birthday!
Me and my grandma at my wedding shower. I am certain she had a tight grip on me there. She always did!!! Oh how I wish I could have her make me some pancakes and hot tea again! I will never forget all the time I spent with her!
We are also keeping Jay and Nolan in our thoughts too. This really was a tough year for our families.
Here's hoping to a great 2009!