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Tuesday, January 27

Moving right along...

Well...I am now 32 1/2 weeks along in my pregnancy. I can't believe how fast time has gone by. I have less than 8 weeks left to go?!?! As of now, I am feeling great (knock on wood), but I am so anxious for her arrival too!
We are about 96% done with our bar area now too. Let's toast!
We are still waiting on some pieces to finish it, but other than that, we have everything ready to go. I think the area is now prepared for Billy's first "home brew"! He is ready to fill that kegarator! He is also very anxious to have some "stock the bar" parties. Those may have to wait until after Kenley is born, but we will have them soon enough, I'm sure!

I was able to be a little productive over the weekend and went through all the baby clothes to get out the neutral stuff that we can use for Kenley. I am still trying to find all the bottles and other misc items that we need. I think they may be mixed in with the toy storage containers. I have plenty of those to go through now. I bought some newborn diapers the other day and they are so tiny. It's crazy how you forget how little a baby is once you have a toddler! What a difference!


Anonymous said...

I am actually working on Kenley ELIZABETH's blanket right now. It should be done in a week or so!

Anonymous said...

Oh just wait...I thought I was ready for just about anything....until the umbilical cord fell off one day...I thought when I undid her onsie I had ripped it was down by her foot! I didn't want to pull the onsie up any further....I just knew I had done something terrible to her!!!! Oh the joys of Motherhood :)