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Friday, February 20

Just around the corner...

Hello to everyone! We are just a few weeks away from the birth of our daughter! I can't believe it is almost time! I had an appointment yesterday and I am dilated 2 cm's and have been having quite a few contractions since the appointment. I am scheduled to be induced on Friday, March 13!!! Yes, I know, some would be hesitant to do that, but I am just not superstitious enough to worry about it! Now, if we are heading into the hospital that morning and our vehicle breaks down or something, we'll try again another day! ;-)

So, assuming Kenley doesn't come before then, her birthday will be 5 days before mine and Noah's is 4 days after mine. I'm right in the middle. I'm pretty certain that mine just a thing of the past though. In the future, it will be all about the kids' birthday's, not mine!! Which is fine with me!!! Maybe I can just go ahead and skip my own birthday's all together (including the increase in age) from now on too!

My next appointment will be on Thursday next week, so I'll be sure to update everyone then!

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