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Tuesday, June 30

How do I slow time?

Time is sure flying!  I guess the fact that we are staying busy makes it go even faster. 

First, Billy and my cousin Craig worked on replacing the ugly red mulch with nice gravel in our landscaping.  You can’t see it in the picture, but they had a nice project either way!

Kaywood Home 010

Then my uncle built a Pergula cover on our patio to help provide shade since the sun blares right on us in the evenings.  Over the weekend, Billy installed some rope lighting and ceiling fans to help keep us cool!


Noah absolutely LOVES his bicycle.  He rides and rides and rides.  He is doing great with it!  He is still going night-night by himself.  Oh, how bribery works on him.  At least for now.  He has even been able to go on a ride through the neighborhood with daddy and pappy (below)!  He knows not to go on the road (or even near it for that matter) without someone riding with him.

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June 2009 115

Kenley is still doing great in daycare.  She has been congested since starting daycare, which I probably complain about more than her.  But she seems to be clearing up slowly, but surely.  She laughed for the first time the other night.  It was so exciting!  I have been working on getting her to do it again, but haven’t had much luck yet.  She gets close, but then decides nope!

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June 2009 168

And one thing is for sure, Kenley absolutely LOVES her brother!  She gets the biggest smile just by him walking up to her.  And she watches everything he does when he’s playing.  And Noah is still a proud big brother.  He wants to hold her (until she slobbers on him – then it’s over)!  It’s cute to see them with each other!  I will take every minute of this, as I know eventually, it will turn into sibling rivalry!

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Hope everyone has a great 4th of July weekend!  Keep cool!

Friday, June 12

Back to Work

I can’t believe it, but Kenley is now over 12 weeks old!  Which means I have returned to work.  Time sure flies.  I had intentions of doing so many things at the house (organizing, photo albums, cleaning closets, etc…) and just never really got the time.  I know people wonder how the heck I could be home for 12 weeks and not get it done, but kids sure keep one busy! 

June 2009 002 

They are so adorable, I can’t take it!  Noah is still so great with Kenley.  He is always so concerned about her and giving her hugs and kisses.  Now that she is in daycare, getting two kids ready in the morning is a bit challenging.  We’re getting it figured out though.  Noah wants to feed her, so we have to get him dressed and ready first!

Amy and Alex's Wedding 008

So, needless to say, Noah is my big helper.  We have been working with him to go “night-night” on his own.  One of us always lays in his bed with him until he falls asleep.  He won’t have it any other way.  Until the past few nights.  I have told him that if goes “night-night” by himself like a big boy, that we would get him a big boy bicycle.  It’s working so far :-)  He has done it two nights in a row now.  I had his monitor on last night as he was laying in bed and he was having a conversation with his teddy bear (or at least I hope it is his teddy bear and nothing else).  But it was so cute.  He was telling him he is going to get a big boy bicycle, and then was feeding him a bottle, and then telling him how he played cars at Gavin’s house and that he is going to go back there to play again.  I could have listened to him all night, but he fell asleep and it eventually turned to snoring!

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Kenley is doing great at daycare and is still such a great baby.  She is getting on a more regular sleeping schedule.  We typically get her to bed before 10:00 and she’ll sleep through the night until we wake her in the morning to get ready.  She is cooing and smiling so much lately.  Again, something I could listen to for hours!

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I am getting back in the routine of work also.  I am happy to be back to work, but I sure do miss my kiddos during the day.  I am definitely ready to go get them by the end of the day!

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The previous post was made by Billy (the one showing off tomato and pepper plants).  Him and Noah are taking great care of the plants and they are growing like weeds!  ha ha  Of course, the minute Billy gets home from work, Noah is ready to go outside and do just about anything.  As you can tell, he has been enjoying his jeep.  He was so proud to get to drive Riley and McKenzie around the other night.  We actually had to order him a backup battery because he drives it so much now that he runs the battery down almost every night.  So, now we’ll have to fully charged batteries each day!  He gets soooooooo upset when the battery dies.  So upset!

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I think my baby girl is going to be a thumb sucker!  When I went to go wake her up the other morning, this is how she was laying in her crib…sucking on her thumb.  You’ll notice the white sleep positioner behind her back…she was so active throughout the night apparently, that she worked her way out of it.  It was so precious when I walked in and saw her like this though!

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Noah and Pappy got their hair cut together the other day.  We had his hair cut pretty short this time!  I really like it, but daddy likes it better longer!  He looks so grown up, and I just love his dimples!

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June 2009 069

Thursday, June 4

Tomatos & Peppers, Oh My!

Wow, June already...The time has sure been flying by. I decided that I needed to post something on here. That being said, I'm not sure I have a lot to say. We have been busy lately with the kid's. Noah loves playing out side, so our evenings are pretty much spent chasing him around the house while he drives his power-wheels jeep. I have to admit that I love every min of it.

Another thing that Noah has been helping me with is my hanging garden. You know those Topys-Turvy hanging plants you see on TV. Well I got me a set of them and started growing some peppers in them. I liked the idea so much, I decided to ramp it up a bit. So, I built my own topsy-turvy out of hanging buckets. I admit that its all a little over kill, but I can't wait for the veggies to get rip. I love fresh tomatos and peppers.

If everything works out, maybe next year I can try a watermelon...wait, that won't work!