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Thursday, June 4

Tomatos & Peppers, Oh My!

Wow, June already...The time has sure been flying by. I decided that I needed to post something on here. That being said, I'm not sure I have a lot to say. We have been busy lately with the kid's. Noah loves playing out side, so our evenings are pretty much spent chasing him around the house while he drives his power-wheels jeep. I have to admit that I love every min of it.

Another thing that Noah has been helping me with is my hanging garden. You know those Topys-Turvy hanging plants you see on TV. Well I got me a set of them and started growing some peppers in them. I liked the idea so much, I decided to ramp it up a bit. So, I built my own topsy-turvy out of hanging buckets. I admit that its all a little over kill, but I can't wait for the veggies to get rip. I love fresh tomatos and peppers.

If everything works out, maybe next year I can try a watermelon...wait, that won't work!

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