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Thursday, March 13

For Sale!

It's been a while...and a lot has been happening.

Noah is getting ready to turn 2. I can't believe it. Time sure flies. And of course, I had to have his pictures taken. You can view them here! And if you want one, please let me know. I have plenty of pictures to go around. Billy and I couldn't decide on favorites and ended up with A LOT of pictures again. It's just so hard when he's so darn cute!

Noah's vocabulary is increasing with each day. His favorite words right now are "Hoooooooome" and "Poooooooooh". He is asking to watch Pooh all the time. And now that "The Bee Movie" has been released, I'm certain that will be another request. He points out bees all the time in books, toys, and when we watch Pooh. We were watching the movie last night for the first time and he seemed to really enjoy it (so did Billy). I didn't get to see much of it, but I heard Billy and Noah both laughing several times. Goofy kids.

Last weekend, we had a huge (for us anyway) 14" snowfall. As much as I am ready for spring, it was nice to actually have a significant snow for Noah to play in. Although this may have been a little too much for his short legs! Click here to see pictures of him and daddy in the snow and some other recent miscellaneous, but adorable pictures.

We have plans to move to IN. Although it still isn't Jasper, it is closer and just over the bridge from Louisville. So, our house is for sale and we are in the market for a new house in Floyd County. Hopefully the open house this weekend generates something for our house. Now that the weather is getting warmer/nicer, we expect things to pick up.

Hope this finds everyone well. Happy Easter!!

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