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Tuesday, September 16

Where did the time go?

Okay, I know that I've completely neglected the blog! Hopefully now that things have calmed down a bit, I hope to keep up with it again!

For those who haven't heard about all our recent news, here goes...

First, Billy was offered a fantastic job opportunity in Jasper, back in my home town. I have been trying to get back to Jasper pretty much since I moved away. I have missed my family dearly. And my wonderful husband went along with my wishes and was on a mission to find a job to meet his needs. It took years to find the "right" opportunity, but it finally came! He now works for MasterBrand Cabinets and we have been living in Jasper for almost 3 months. We were able to sell our house in Lagrange and find a house in Jasper all within a month of Billy starting his new job. In today's market, that's a feat in itself!

Second, I had bittersweet emotions about having to leave my job. I love doing what I do and the people I work for are great. So, it was hard to have to give that up. In some wonderful way, I was blessed with the opportunity to keep my current position, working for the same people, but working mainly from home! I cannot begin to say how grateful I am for that opporutnity and how shocked I was to be offered the opportunity. I thank everyone who had a decision in that from the bottom of my heart!

Last, but definitely not least, just a few weeks after all this happened, we found out we are expecting baby #2! We are thrilled to say the least. I don't think we could have planned for any of this to have happened any better. It's been a crazy few months, but it has all been a huge blessing. According to the doctor, our due date is March 21, 2009! Yes, that is just 3 days after my birthday and just 1 day before Noah's birthday. Looks like Billy will always have a busy month in March!
Noah has been growing up too fast on us. He is now repeating EVERYTHING (so watch what you say Pappy and Bubby)! He is talking so much and learning so much each day. It amazes me how quick it all happens. We have been telling him that we will be having a baby. He has been very sweet and he kisses my belly and says hi to the baby. When we ask him if he wants a brother or sister, he says "sissy" EVERY time. He has transitioned great into his new daycare. He does great there and I usually have to drag him out of there kicking and screaming, because he isn't ready to go home. So, I think he likes it too!

I do want to thank you, Billy, for the "sacrifices" you made to help our dreams come true. I know you won't get to eat sushi for lunch every week now, you moved further away from your family, and that you left a very very comfortable job to come here. I hope that you don't regret your decisions. I know that you will be very successful in everything that you do and with time, you will prove that! Thank you for everything you have done for our family! You have no idea how much it means to me that you would change it all to allow me to get back "home". Now...hurry up and get that basement finished and the garage cleaned up! I love you :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

too funny! You left out the part about his home made Brew...

Brew Beer! and we'll come and visit...

Stacey & Robert