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Thursday, October 16

Find out..or Wait?!?!?

Everyone has 14 days to convince Billy on his decision of finding out the sex of the baby! It's up to him with this pregnancy! Our ultrasound is scheduled for Thursday, October 30. I still want to wait to find out and he says he doesn't know for sure. He says he wants to wait, but wants to find out too. So, here's your chance to voice your opinion!!! Do we wait or do we find out?!?! Post your response!


David Paragon said...

I think you should wait. It takes a little fun out of the moment I think. I didn't know with Chandler but we found out for the twins. Chandlers was more fun in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I don't know...We knew with Maggie, but not with Lorelei and now we know with this one. Its fun either way. With Lorelei it was kind of a rude awakening....we thought for sure she was a HE....oops. We still haven't really gotten over her birth. We love them all the same. My mom didn't want to know and we haven't told his parents either. So its kind of fun that way. We think they all think we are having a boy...esp. since the heartbeat has been 165 one time and 130 the next time. :) Its kind of fun either way. Just make it fun!

Anonymous said...

I think you should wait .......just another exciting moment when the little one is born... they always say "good things come to those who wait!"

Anonymous said...

i think you should find out with our noah we found out what he was and with emma she didnt want us to know and it was to much last minute prep.