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Tuesday, October 21

What we've been up to...

Well, I would post pictures of it all, but my camera is being repaired and my old camera won't even turn on anymore. I am so ready to have a working camera back in my hands!

Anyway, we have been quite busy lately. We recently celebrated our 7th anniversary! Time sure flies when you're having fun! We went to dinner and stayed in downtown Louisville. We also met Shylee! She is adorable and we're just so happy for Liron and Gene! They are wonderful parents!

We have also been finishing our basement the past few weeks. We're making huge progress with the help of my uncle and all the plumbers, electricians and other workers that have been in and out of our house lately. Billy has been working very hard too! He and my mom painted downstairs, he has done a lot of electrical work with his dad, installed a sink in our bathroom, and most recently he layed tile in a 200+ sq ft area where the bar will be. Thank you Brandon and mom, for your help! The only things left to do are to have the carpet installed (which is being done next Thurs and Fri) and install the cabinets and countertops for the bar! We are both so anxious to have this all done!

This weekend was a busy weekend for Noah. He went trick or treating at the Louisville Zoo and also went to Huber Winery. He enjoyed the pumpkins, feeding the animals, and the slides!!!

The baby is starting to become very active. I have been feeling the baby move more and more each day. I am anxious to see the baby on the ultrasound next week! I guess Billy plans to make his decision on finding out the sex while we are having the ultrasound. I'm guessing that will be a "Yes, I want to know" decision, but we will see!

This week, Billy is in Louisville all week in a training class for work. He is so excited about getting to eat Sushi and all the other food options he has there that we definitely don't have here. We both miss that!!!

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