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Friday, December 19

And so it begins...

Christmas parties! Yes, our family get together's start this weekend already. We are hosting my Grandma Stenftenagel's Christmas at our house Saturday night. I am looking forward to seeing everyone's tacky sweaters!!! Yes, we are having a tacky sweater contest in the family. I am certain we will have some good ones!

On Sunday, we will be traveling to Louisville to have Christmas with Billy's family. We are looking forward to seeing everyone and all the kids again. It's been a while!

I will be off through the new year beginning next Wednesday. I can't wait to spend my time off with family, friends, and mostly, Noah! He'll be home with me everyday!! He'll get so spoiled and will probably have a hard time getting back in the routine of things and going back to daycare.

Christmas eve will be my Grandpa Stenftenagel's party and Christmas day will be with the Hurst family. It will be hard not having Grandma there and I will miss her, but I also know she'll be there with us, hitting my dad on the head with a spoon when he misbehaves!

And we can't wait to see Noah's reaction when opening all his gifts on Christmas morning. I'm fairly certain Santa will be spoiling the little stinker, but he has been good this year (just needs work on the whole potty training thing). He wants a car race track from Santa, so we hope Santa doesn't disappoint!

On another note, our basement is so close to being finished. The cabinets came in this week and my uncle was quick to get them installed!!! We are so excited. Plywood will have to do until our counter top is in (which will be after the new year). We still need to get our sink, garbage disposal, barstools, and microwave. So, we have plenty to do while we wait for the countertop. Billy plans to have a "stock the bar" party (or two) in the very near future!

And when that is finished, our next project will be getting the nursery in order. We only have 13 weeks left before our baby girl is here! Time sure flies. I am looking for a full size bedroom suit for Noah. Any suggestions where to look for one without spending gobs of money? He is outgrowing his little toddler bed, and we need the crib mattress back for the crib. Oh, so much to do and so little time!

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