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Tuesday, May 19

Happy May!

Happy May (almost June) to everyone! We are FINALLY having a beautiful week of weather! Jasper has had lots of rain the past few weeks with a pretty day here and there.
Well, little miss Kenley is now 2 months old! I can't believe it! She had her appointment today and weighs 12 lbs 15 0z and is 24 1/2" long. She is growing well and doing great with development. She had to have 3 shots in her legs today, which just about broke my heart. I can't stand that! But she fell asleep soon after and has been sleeping most of the day since. She will start daycare when I go back to work on Monday, June 8. It's coming up so fast. Time has just flown by...I'm not sure where it went. I look forward to returning to work, but I will miss my babies so much! Speaking of daycare, Noah starts pre-school on June 1! He will still be in daycare, but from 9-11 each day, he will have pre-school. He has started transitioning to his new room this week and has been telling me how much fun he is having. Noah and his friend Hayley are both moving to the new room together, so at least he will know another kid in the class.

May has kept us busy and we've had a few visitors from Louisville also.
Our friends Amy, Scott and Logan stopped by recently. Noah drove Logan around in his jeep (which Noah now LOVES that jeep - he won't stop driving it)!

Our friends Liron, Gene and Shylee also stopped by for a visit. Shylee is 7 months old. She is just 5 months older than Kenley! They will be such great friends! We can't wait to see them start playing together. (Don't we have two beautiful girls)?!?!?

Mamaw and Papaw Lamont came for a visit to attend Kenley's baptism. Avery was also baptized the same day, so Kenley and Avery were baptized together on Mother's Day. It ended up being a beautiful afternoon and we had a Mother's Day/baptism party after at Chad and Katie's house.

Kenley with Mamaw and Papaw Lamont

Mamaw, Papaw, me, Kenley, Billy, Mimi, Pappy and Noah

Great Grandpa, me, Billy, Katie, Avery, Carter, Chad, Great Grandma and Kenley

Me, Chad (Godfather), Beth (Godmother), Kenley and Billy

Great Grandpa S, Great Grandma S, Kenley and Great Grandpa H
Kenley at 8 weeks and Avery at 6 weeks (again, I have to say, two beautiful girls)
Kenley's Godmother Beth attends Purdue. She graciously bought these bibs for both Avery and Kenley. I'm not sure Avery is too thrilled about it! She must know her dad is an IU fan!
With all this excitement we had this month, we also had some heartbreak. My Aunt Jackie passed away suddenly on Mother's Day. We have lost 5 people in our families in just 10 months. It's been hard, but we know everyone is watching over us and is pain free. We are thinking of Grandma, Jay, Nolan, Robert, Jackie, and all others we have lost before then, each and every day! Love you and miss you all!

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