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Tuesday, June 26

Like father, like son

Noah decided to wake up at about 4:15 this morning. I'm pretty certain it is from teething (shouldn't that be over with by now?). I went and got him and we watched TV for about an hour before I decided to go get daddy for his shift. They went back in the living room to watch Baby Einstein. When I got up a little after 6:00, I went to see what they were up to, and they were both sleeping on the couch together. It was a great sight to see first thing in the morning. So sweet and peaceful. Too bad I didn't think to get a picture!

But that sight made me decide that I'll let Billy get up with Noah every time he wakes up in the middle of the night from now on. They both love to watch TV, and I love to sleep, so it works out well!

Monday, June 25

Being cute, working, and sleeping

It just comes natural to Noah to be cute! He is such a good looking little guy and then there's all the cute things that he does. Like this weekend, at his first wedding reception, he joined in on all the dancing and learned some new dance moves. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me! Can you believe it? Me either! I could slap myself! Anyway, I hope I get some of the snapshots others were taking and maybe even get to see the video some day!

The other evening, Noah was helping us wash the van. He was doing a great job - at throwing bubbles and water around everywhere! He just loves to be outside - guess he gets that from his grandparents, as we all know this heat is not for me!

So, after all that hard work he put into washing the van, he was pooped! He cuddled up to his stuffed Eeyore that his Godmother Angie gave him and slept so peacefully!

Tuesday, June 19


Although we're not too sure what rosies and posies are, "ring around the rosie" is Noah's new favorite thing to do!

Click on the picture to view many recent photos!

Monday, June 18

Noah and Friends!

Noah has been enjoying time with his friends recently! Logan and Noah had a blast playing in the pool together (that's who taught him out to get in and out, in and out, in and out...). And Noah is trying to teach Colton how to crawl and/or walk. Colton is so ready to move, I'm certain the next time we see him, he'll be all over the place!

Fathers Day came and went!

What a wonderful day!  Fathers day came and went just like every other day, but wow what a wonderful day!  I had so much fun with my little boy “Noah”.  He is with out a doubt the 2nd best thing that ever happened to me, the first being my wife Lisa.  Noah recently started giving hugs and kisses, which may sound like a sissy, but it sure feels good to receive one!


We had a really good weekend for fathers day… lots of traveling to the families.  Noah got to play with a lot of his cousins and even saw another baby named Noah.

Friday, June 15

Outdoor fun!!!

Noah just LOVES to be outside. We recently got him a little pool and I think he would sleep in it if he could. He has loved playing in the water and is never ready to get out!

Wednesday, June 13

First Blog!

Well here is our first family post. Here you will find update about the family and links to other goings on. Lisa will be posting lots of info about Noah I'm sure!