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Tuesday, June 26

Like father, like son

Noah decided to wake up at about 4:15 this morning. I'm pretty certain it is from teething (shouldn't that be over with by now?). I went and got him and we watched TV for about an hour before I decided to go get daddy for his shift. They went back in the living room to watch Baby Einstein. When I got up a little after 6:00, I went to see what they were up to, and they were both sleeping on the couch together. It was a great sight to see first thing in the morning. So sweet and peaceful. Too bad I didn't think to get a picture!

But that sight made me decide that I'll let Billy get up with Noah every time he wakes up in the middle of the night from now on. They both love to watch TV, and I love to sleep, so it works out well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good idea...teething never stops...even when they become teenagers its braces.... YIKES! Why did we have them again? OH YEAH, sometimes they are so darn cute!