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Monday, June 25

Being cute, working, and sleeping

It just comes natural to Noah to be cute! He is such a good looking little guy and then there's all the cute things that he does. Like this weekend, at his first wedding reception, he joined in on all the dancing and learned some new dance moves. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me! Can you believe it? Me either! I could slap myself! Anyway, I hope I get some of the snapshots others were taking and maybe even get to see the video some day!

The other evening, Noah was helping us wash the van. He was doing a great job - at throwing bubbles and water around everywhere! He just loves to be outside - guess he gets that from his grandparents, as we all know this heat is not for me!

So, after all that hard work he put into washing the van, he was pooped! He cuddled up to his stuffed Eeyore that his Godmother Angie gave him and slept so peacefully!

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