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Tuesday, September 30

Names, names and more names I know it's really early to be thinking about this, but we have been discussing names for our baby. There is a poll to the right for names - cast your vote. We have a few names in mind for a girl, and even fewer for a boy. So help us out! Post a comment with any other girl and boy name suggestions to this posting! I would like to have "Joseph" as the middle name for a boy!

As of now, we don't plan to find out the sex of the baby at our ultrasound. We want to be surprised again! With Noah, we didn't find out - more because I didn't want to know. I told Billy then that if we don't find out with our first baby, he would get to make the decision for our second baby. And shockingly, he is saying he wants to wait this time too! I'm so excited, because that is what I would choose again too. It was so exciting to find out the day we had Noah. I know a lot of people disagree with this, but there are just so few surprises in life and we want to experience this surprise! We honestly don't have a preference for a boy or girl this time either. We will be happy with either and just pray for another healthy baby!

Monday, September 22

He loves me!!!

I have FINALLY been able to get Noah to say "I love you mommy"! It's music to my ears and just makes my heart melt. It seems like it's been a long wait for those words from my little guy, but it's been well worth the wait!

It seems like he has grown up overnight. He has been talking so much more in just the past few weeks. It's like a light switch was turned on and he decided to say so much more. He's always been a little stubborn about repeating new words...but now, we have to watch what we say, because he repeats EVERYTHING.

And he is easily entertained. I bought him a little backpack with a handle and he pulls that thing behind him through the house, over and over and over. It's so cute. He thinks it's the best toy ever right now. And it's a back pack! It's adorable! Which I guess makes me easily entertained also!

Thursday, September 18

Appointment #2

I had another doctor's appointment today for the pregnancy. Everything is going great and I've already gained that first pound. I sure hope I don't gain as many as I did with Noah! That was nuts! But I guess I did have a healthy baby, so I can't really complain!!!

The baby's heartbeat was in the 160's and the doctor said it sounded good and strong. That's always a very relieving thing to hear! I'm anxious to start feeling this little one move around. It's no fun being sick and tired when you can't even experience the wonderful feeling of the baby! I know it will come soon enough though.

Hope everyone is doing well. Take care!

Grandma...I miss you!

One thing I didn't mention in my last blog is that I lost my Grandma Hurst recently. She was a STRONG, wonderful, caring, loving person and I miss her dearly! I think of you each day Grandma, and I hope that I live a healthy, fulfilling life like you did! You are an inspiration! Please know that we all miss you and love you always!

Tuesday, September 16

Where did the time go?

Okay, I know that I've completely neglected the blog! Hopefully now that things have calmed down a bit, I hope to keep up with it again!

For those who haven't heard about all our recent news, here goes...

First, Billy was offered a fantastic job opportunity in Jasper, back in my home town. I have been trying to get back to Jasper pretty much since I moved away. I have missed my family dearly. And my wonderful husband went along with my wishes and was on a mission to find a job to meet his needs. It took years to find the "right" opportunity, but it finally came! He now works for MasterBrand Cabinets and we have been living in Jasper for almost 3 months. We were able to sell our house in Lagrange and find a house in Jasper all within a month of Billy starting his new job. In today's market, that's a feat in itself!

Second, I had bittersweet emotions about having to leave my job. I love doing what I do and the people I work for are great. So, it was hard to have to give that up. In some wonderful way, I was blessed with the opportunity to keep my current position, working for the same people, but working mainly from home! I cannot begin to say how grateful I am for that opporutnity and how shocked I was to be offered the opportunity. I thank everyone who had a decision in that from the bottom of my heart!

Last, but definitely not least, just a few weeks after all this happened, we found out we are expecting baby #2! We are thrilled to say the least. I don't think we could have planned for any of this to have happened any better. It's been a crazy few months, but it has all been a huge blessing. According to the doctor, our due date is March 21, 2009! Yes, that is just 3 days after my birthday and just 1 day before Noah's birthday. Looks like Billy will always have a busy month in March!
Noah has been growing up too fast on us. He is now repeating EVERYTHING (so watch what you say Pappy and Bubby)! He is talking so much and learning so much each day. It amazes me how quick it all happens. We have been telling him that we will be having a baby. He has been very sweet and he kisses my belly and says hi to the baby. When we ask him if he wants a brother or sister, he says "sissy" EVERY time. He has transitioned great into his new daycare. He does great there and I usually have to drag him out of there kicking and screaming, because he isn't ready to go home. So, I think he likes it too!

I do want to thank you, Billy, for the "sacrifices" you made to help our dreams come true. I know you won't get to eat sushi for lunch every week now, you moved further away from your family, and that you left a very very comfortable job to come here. I hope that you don't regret your decisions. I know that you will be very successful in everything that you do and with time, you will prove that! Thank you for everything you have done for our family! You have no idea how much it means to me that you would change it all to allow me to get back "home". Now...hurry up and get that basement finished and the garage cleaned up! I love you :-)