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Tuesday, September 30

Names, names and more names I know it's really early to be thinking about this, but we have been discussing names for our baby. There is a poll to the right for names - cast your vote. We have a few names in mind for a girl, and even fewer for a boy. So help us out! Post a comment with any other girl and boy name suggestions to this posting! I would like to have "Joseph" as the middle name for a boy!

As of now, we don't plan to find out the sex of the baby at our ultrasound. We want to be surprised again! With Noah, we didn't find out - more because I didn't want to know. I told Billy then that if we don't find out with our first baby, he would get to make the decision for our second baby. And shockingly, he is saying he wants to wait this time too! I'm so excited, because that is what I would choose again too. It was so exciting to find out the day we had Noah. I know a lot of people disagree with this, but there are just so few surprises in life and we want to experience this surprise! We honestly don't have a preference for a boy or girl this time either. We will be happy with either and just pray for another healthy baby!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like Kenleigh but I think Elizabeth would be best for a middle name. After all, it's never done me wrong ;)