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Monday, September 22

He loves me!!!

I have FINALLY been able to get Noah to say "I love you mommy"! It's music to my ears and just makes my heart melt. It seems like it's been a long wait for those words from my little guy, but it's been well worth the wait!

It seems like he has grown up overnight. He has been talking so much more in just the past few weeks. It's like a light switch was turned on and he decided to say so much more. He's always been a little stubborn about repeating new words...but now, we have to watch what we say, because he repeats EVERYTHING.

And he is easily entertained. I bought him a little backpack with a handle and he pulls that thing behind him through the house, over and over and over. It's so cute. He thinks it's the best toy ever right now. And it's a back pack! It's adorable! Which I guess makes me easily entertained also!

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