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Thursday, November 13

Where is my camera?!?!

I am still waiting on my camera to be sent back to me after being repaired. It was supposed to be here Tuesday...I'm starting to worry!

As soon as I get it though, I will have pictures to post of our basement. We have had much progress on it! The carpet is all finally installed. The only thing left to do is organize everything and get the bar area finished. Billy has done a great job with keeping everything going on the basement. He is actually getting all his computer stuff out and his office put together tonight! I can't believe he went this long without it! It was kinda funny the other day though...we had to have Insight come out and look at some cable issues we were having. The guy was completely stunned to see all the servers and equipment he did already have put up. His actual words were "I've never seen anything like this in my life". Yes, I know, my husband has a problem! But it's what he loves to do and it keeps him learning and keeps him out of trouble!

Noah has enjoyed playing in the basement so much already. He loves to roll from one side to the other - but there's a catch! Someone has to do it with him. He says mommy can't because it will hurt the baby (or maybe I told him that and he remembered), so it ends up being daddy and any visitors. I've got to say though, mimi needs a little more practice!

Actually, Noah was sick today. We're not sure what he has yet. I'm thinking it is just a stomach virus or the flu (even though he had a flu shot), but it is breaking my heart to see him be the way he is. I would do anything to take the pain away! I sure hope he's feeling better tomorrow!

Can you believe we're in the last two months of 2008? It's amazing to think that our little (well, she'll probably be big) baby girl will be here in just 4 short months. We have a lot to do in that time to prepare for her arrival, but we are so anxious to meet her and bring her home!!!

We've already started on some Christmas shopping. I always overwhelm myself by waiting until the last minute. I hope to start getting better with that!

We look forward to seeing everyone over the holidays in the weeks to come. Hope to get together with all our family and friends, so keep in touch!

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