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Friday, March 20 to view!

Hello to everyone! I finally had the chance to get some pictures uploaded. If you click the picture below (isn't it sweet?), you will be linked to an album of photos.

Everything is going great with us so far. Kenley is a really good baby. She has her days and nights mixed up, but she is getting better with that each day. She hardly ever cries (knock on wood) and she is gaining her weight back that she lost in the hospital. When we left, she was 8 lbs 6 oz. As of yesterday, she was back up to 8 lbs 10 oz. Me and my big babies :-) At least I know they are healthy!

Noah is being the most awesome big brother. He has been great with Kenley and helps with everything he can. He asks to hold her and picks out books for mommy to read to her. He helps get diapers and throw the dirty ones away and he gives her lots and lots of kisses! It's so sweet.

Today he is taking cupcakes to school for his friends to celebrate his birthday. He was so excited about that. He went on a Walmart shopping trip with me last night to pick them out. He was great in Walmart. He listened to me the entire time and even walked through most of the store himself instead of being in the cart.

I have to say, I am very in love!!! Kids are a true blessing and they just melt your heart! I have the best family and husband ever!

On a sad note, please keep Billy's family in your thoughts and prayers. Our brother-in-law, Robert Martini, passed away on Wednesday from ALS (Lou Gherig's disease). He had been battling the terrible disease since January 2008. We have participated in several fundraising activities, including the ALS walk in Louisville last year. We intend to keep raising money to help find a cure for this! If you would like to donate, please click the link shown on the right side of our webpage. Debbie, you are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you!

Tuesday, March 17

Hospital Picture

Click here to see Kenley's hospital picture! Be sure to leave her a message!

Sunday, March 15

Introducing Kenley Grace Lamont…

It’s with great excitement and joy that we introduce Kenley Grace Lamont!!! On March 15, 2009 at 1:32pm Kenley entered this world, and boy did she make an entrance. Weighing in at 9lb’s and 22 ½ inches long she already was larger than her big brother at birth who was 8lb's 4oz and 22 inches long and he was born at 1:37 pm. Noah was born on March 22 and Lisa's birthday is on March 18th, so March is a really busy month for our family.

Noah was able to meet his “Sissy” and did really good. He was excited to get to hold his little sister and even gave her a little kiss. He of course really liked the Car’s that Kenley got him, so he thinks she is top’s right now.

Sorry this is short… we will post more when we get a chance. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their support and sharing in this wonderful time of our life!!

Kenley Grace Lamont
March 15, 2009
9lb 22 1/2 in

Thursday, March 12

I guess it is a sign...

I've been saying that I'm not superstitious or worried about having my baby on Friday the 13th. Unless I was heading into the hospital and my vehicle broke down (or something like that happened), I wasn't anyway!

Apparently I'm getting my "sign" a little early. My doctor is sick and cannot do my induction tomorrow now! Sadness!!! It is being moved to Sunday, March 15 instead. I'm supposed to be at the hospital at 8:00 am. Assuming she actually arrives on that day, Kenley's birthday will be on the 15th, mine on the 18th and Noah's on the 22nd. Of course I am disappointed about not seeing her tomorrow, but it is a sign to me that she's just not ready to be here yet and needs the extra few days.

So, with the change of plans, I thought I'd give everyone the opportunity to repost their "guess" on when she'll be here and how big she'll be. There is always the chance that I'll go into labor on my own between now and then too. I really thought today was going to be the day. Noah was born 9 days before his due date, so I guessed that she would be also. And today is that day! Guess I'm wrong!

My new guess is for Sunday, March 15 at 5:15 pm. I say she'll be 8 lbs, 8 oz and 20".

Click the comment link below to post your guess. You can click the name/url to enter your name once you are in the link. Be sure to include that as we want to know who is making the closest guess!!!

I'll be in touch!

Tuesday, March 10

Sunday, March 8

Big Brother and Nursery are ready!!!

Hello to all! Hope everyone is doing well and staying away from all the illnesses going around. Noah had a rough week. He started out with the flu and ended with a bad cold and fever. His tonsils look like mine did when I had tonsillitis. We did see the doctor on Saturday, and thankfully he tested negative for strep throat, but he is on an antibiotic for fluid behind his ears and his throat definitely has infection. He's had a pretty high fever all weekend when tylenol or ibuprofen wear off. I decided to take him to the doctor right away because I want him better and fever free for when Kenley arrives!!

We finally found the letters for Kenley's name! Billy painted them today and I hung them up. So, the nursery is ready!!! All we need is little miss Kenley. I can't believe she will be here in just 5 days for sure. Possibly sooner, but the contractions have slowed way down, so I don't expect her to make an earlier appearance. But she may surprise us, you never know!

Noah seems very anxious for "sissy" to be here. He wanted to be in the picture with her name. I just can't wait to see him with her. He's going to be such a great big brother!

Sunday, March 1

Make Your Guess

I've had a few people in the past few weeks "guessing" Kenley's arrival date/time, weight and length. I know people had fun making their guesses on Noah's site before we had him, so I thought we'd do it again.

My "progression" as of Thursday this past week was 3 cms dilated and 50% effaced. I am scheduled to be induced on Friday, March 13 if she does not arrive before then. I am having a lot of contractions, but so far, they just aren't strong enough for me to go into the hospital. I have gained A LOT of weight. Not quite as much as I did with Noah, but plenty, that is for sure!

So, I am making my guess first. For those who want to make a guess, click the comment button and post your guess. Please be sure to include your name! We want to know who makes the correct guess, or at least gets the closest!

I say Kenley will be born on March 12, about 2:15 pm, and she will weigh 8 lbs 6 oz at 20 inches long. (I really hope I'm wrong on the weight, but I'm trying to be realistic)!