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Thursday, March 12

I guess it is a sign...

I've been saying that I'm not superstitious or worried about having my baby on Friday the 13th. Unless I was heading into the hospital and my vehicle broke down (or something like that happened), I wasn't anyway!

Apparently I'm getting my "sign" a little early. My doctor is sick and cannot do my induction tomorrow now! Sadness!!! It is being moved to Sunday, March 15 instead. I'm supposed to be at the hospital at 8:00 am. Assuming she actually arrives on that day, Kenley's birthday will be on the 15th, mine on the 18th and Noah's on the 22nd. Of course I am disappointed about not seeing her tomorrow, but it is a sign to me that she's just not ready to be here yet and needs the extra few days.

So, with the change of plans, I thought I'd give everyone the opportunity to repost their "guess" on when she'll be here and how big she'll be. There is always the chance that I'll go into labor on my own between now and then too. I really thought today was going to be the day. Noah was born 9 days before his due date, so I guessed that she would be also. And today is that day! Guess I'm wrong!

My new guess is for Sunday, March 15 at 5:15 pm. I say she'll be 8 lbs, 8 oz and 20".

Click the comment link below to post your guess. You can click the name/url to enter your name once you are in the link. Be sure to include that as we want to know who is making the closest guess!!!

I'll be in touch!


Anonymous said...

Sunday, March 15 at 7:30 pm. I say she'll be 8 lbs, 1 oz and 19".

Little miss Kenley, I can't wait to see you! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Okay, here we go again! Lets see if you can't get this right this time. March 15th, at 2:45pm, 7 lbs 6 oz. Keep smilin, she'll get here when she's good'n ready!!!

Anonymous said...

I say you'll go into labor tonight and have her tomorrow March 14 in the afternoon sometime and she'll be 8 lbs and 20 inches.

Anonymous said...

I say March 15, 1:30 PM. 8lb 3 oz. 20.5 inches long.

Anonymous said...

Okay, Sunday at 1:30..about 8 lbs 13 oz and 20 inches long....but I really hope she has you at the hospital before Sunday.