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Sunday, March 8

Big Brother and Nursery are ready!!!

Hello to all! Hope everyone is doing well and staying away from all the illnesses going around. Noah had a rough week. He started out with the flu and ended with a bad cold and fever. His tonsils look like mine did when I had tonsillitis. We did see the doctor on Saturday, and thankfully he tested negative for strep throat, but he is on an antibiotic for fluid behind his ears and his throat definitely has infection. He's had a pretty high fever all weekend when tylenol or ibuprofen wear off. I decided to take him to the doctor right away because I want him better and fever free for when Kenley arrives!!

We finally found the letters for Kenley's name! Billy painted them today and I hung them up. So, the nursery is ready!!! All we need is little miss Kenley. I can't believe she will be here in just 5 days for sure. Possibly sooner, but the contractions have slowed way down, so I don't expect her to make an earlier appearance. But she may surprise us, you never know!

Noah seems very anxious for "sissy" to be here. He wanted to be in the picture with her name. I just can't wait to see him with her. He's going to be such a great big brother!


Anonymous said...

That's my BOY!

Anonymous said...

I love the letters! Her nursery is so adorable!