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Friday, March 20 to view!

Hello to everyone! I finally had the chance to get some pictures uploaded. If you click the picture below (isn't it sweet?), you will be linked to an album of photos.

Everything is going great with us so far. Kenley is a really good baby. She has her days and nights mixed up, but she is getting better with that each day. She hardly ever cries (knock on wood) and she is gaining her weight back that she lost in the hospital. When we left, she was 8 lbs 6 oz. As of yesterday, she was back up to 8 lbs 10 oz. Me and my big babies :-) At least I know they are healthy!

Noah is being the most awesome big brother. He has been great with Kenley and helps with everything he can. He asks to hold her and picks out books for mommy to read to her. He helps get diapers and throw the dirty ones away and he gives her lots and lots of kisses! It's so sweet.

Today he is taking cupcakes to school for his friends to celebrate his birthday. He was so excited about that. He went on a Walmart shopping trip with me last night to pick them out. He was great in Walmart. He listened to me the entire time and even walked through most of the store himself instead of being in the cart.

I have to say, I am very in love!!! Kids are a true blessing and they just melt your heart! I have the best family and husband ever!

On a sad note, please keep Billy's family in your thoughts and prayers. Our brother-in-law, Robert Martini, passed away on Wednesday from ALS (Lou Gherig's disease). He had been battling the terrible disease since January 2008. We have participated in several fundraising activities, including the ALS walk in Louisville last year. We intend to keep raising money to help find a cure for this! If you would like to donate, please click the link shown on the right side of our webpage. Debbie, you are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kenley, Noah, and I have the best Wife anyone could ever ask for. We love you Lisa!!! Thank you for being such a good mommy.