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Sunday, March 1

Make Your Guess

I've had a few people in the past few weeks "guessing" Kenley's arrival date/time, weight and length. I know people had fun making their guesses on Noah's site before we had him, so I thought we'd do it again.

My "progression" as of Thursday this past week was 3 cms dilated and 50% effaced. I am scheduled to be induced on Friday, March 13 if she does not arrive before then. I am having a lot of contractions, but so far, they just aren't strong enough for me to go into the hospital. I have gained A LOT of weight. Not quite as much as I did with Noah, but plenty, that is for sure!

So, I am making my guess first. For those who want to make a guess, click the comment button and post your guess. Please be sure to include your name! We want to know who makes the correct guess, or at least gets the closest!

I say Kenley will be born on March 12, about 2:15 pm, and she will weigh 8 lbs 6 oz at 20 inches long. (I really hope I'm wrong on the weight, but I'm trying to be realistic)!


Anonymous said...

I say Kenley will be born on March 8th, about 1:30 pm, and she will weigh 8 lbs 2 oz at 19 inches long.

Love you!!!

Anonymous said...

hummm...I think she will come around March 10th at 10:50 A.M. and she will weigh around 7 lb. 8 oz. and 19 1/2 inches long.

I don't think you look that big ;)

Oh by the way, Brian thinks you will have her on March 14th...(its his birthday) 4:30 P.M. and she will weigh 6 lb. 10oz. and 18 1/2 inches long.

Good luck!
Sue Jane

Anonymous said...

March 13, 1:30 PM, 8 lb. 5oz., 20.5in. long

Anonymous said...

Brian! What are you doing to me?!?! I can understand (somewhat) you saying March 14th, but does it have to be that late in the day when I'm being induced early in the morning on the 13th? You're gonna kill me with the long labor!!

Anonymous said...

I think she will be born on March 8th at 1:30 pm. She will weight 8 lbs 12 and a half 19 and 3/4 inches long. (sorry)

Love you!

Anonymous said...

ok, I say she will be born on March 11 at 3 pm and weighing 8 and 1/2 lbs and 19 1/2 inches long.

Anonymous said...

Brian just laughed...sorry Lisa...I feel for you. He really is a good husband...he never once told me that I was fat and I really was with Lorelei!

Anonymous said...

I think she will be born March 6 (although March 7 is a really good possibility, but same time) at 8:50am, and she will weigh 7lb. 8oz and will be 20 inches long.

Anonymous said...

10 lbs on March 13th

Anonymous said...

March 13th, 2:45pm, 7 lbs 4 oz. and 20 inches

Anonymous said...

I think she will be 7 lbs 11 oz, 20 inches on Friday the 13th at 3:31 pm.
You're still pretty little, it's just the baby!

Anonymous said...

I predict beautiful Kenley will be born today (3/12) at 6pm. She will be 8.25 oz and 19.5 inches long.

Anonymous said...

Okay, here we go again! Lets see if you can't get this right this time. March 15th, at 2:45pm, 7 lbs 6 oz. Keep smilin, she'll get here when she's good'n ready!!!