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Tuesday, December 4

Finally...a new post

I'm at home recovering from my tonsillectomy and figured I'd finally create a new post. My surgery went well and recovery has been much easier than I expected. I still have pain, but it's more of an annoying pain than a miserable pain. It has been that way since day one really.

I have missed my little boy though. Mom and Dad were able to keep him for the first few days which was very helpful. I am still not supposed to be picking him up, so Billy has had to do pretty much everything with Noah. He's been doing a great job taking care of things.

Noah is growing up so much. He's starting to say a lot more words, he loves to rough house, and he's enjoying all the Christmas hoopla so far, especially the movies and music that come with it.

And of course, I have more pictures to share!

Friday, November 2

Pumpkin Patch at Huber Winery

Weather cooperated and the crowd actually wasn't bad at Huber Winery last weekend when we went. I guess getting there early in the afternoon pays off! Noah and Gavin had fun playing in the pumpkin patch and feeding the animals at the petting zoo. I really couldn't believe Noah did it, but he thought it was cool when the animals licked the food off his hand (oh the germs).

Halloween - Arrrrrggghhhh!

Noah was a pirate for Halloween this year, and I have to say that he was the cutest pirate I've ever seen (and I don't think it's me being biased - he really was the cutest pirate ever)! I wasn't sure he was going to wear the costume, but he did great with it and with trick or treating! It was a great day!

Kim, Brandon and Gavin came for a weekend visit recently and we were able to get some pictures of the boys in their costumes (let me tell you, this wasn't an easy task). But it was so cute to see!
Oh...and you have to check out the two cutest little peas in a pod I've ever seen - Tyler and Casey! Aren't they adorable?

Sunday, October 21

Our little pumpkin

Well...we did end up having to have the tube in Noah's right ear removed and replaced. It was not fun at all for any of us. Noah and I both had a harder time this time than the first time. I sure hope it's the end of his ear problems! He's been doing great since the surgery, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

He's developed a fear of doctors from all these dr visits we've had to take him to for his ears, which in turn, has made him more scared of strangers too. He absolutely does not want someone he doesn't know touching him. He proved that point when we got his haircut again the other day. He screamed almost the entire time. But he looked even more handsome (which I didn't think was possible) when it was over!
I took some before and after pictures...and believe me, the saying on his shirt stands very true!
Say cheese!

Anniversary in Gatlinburg

Billy and I went to Gatlinburg with our friends Sue Jane and Brian to celebrate our anniversaries. It was a relaxing trip and we had a lot of fun (except when they made me go up the scary sky lift and down the scary slide) and laughs, but we sure missed Noah too! And I would mention the year of the anniversary each of us celebrated, but it's still not been truly determined (two of us can't do math and two of us can)!

Tuesday, October 2

My goofy husband!

I can't explain, so direct all questions to Billy! :-)

Fish Fry!

This past weekend we visited Billy's family. His parents had a fish fry and we saw family that we don't see very often. Billy and his cousins grew up together and now they see each other about once a year. So it was nice for them to visit. There were six great-grandchildren there to enjoy all the fun! Noah followed Sydni around everywhere and did everything she did. It was so cute to watch them!

You can view all the pictures here:

Monday, October 1

This is too funny!

On our recent visit to Grandma and Grandpa Hurst's, Noah learned a new "trick". If he bites someone's finger, it hurts! Of course, he thinks it's funny.

Show your muscles!!!

Recently, Noah loves to show off his muscles. It's very entertaining to watch as he also holds his breath while he's flexing his arms, so his face turns beat red! Have I ever mentioned we have the cutest little boy EVER?!?!

You can view other photos by clicking here!

Thursday, September 20

It's been a while...

Since I've posted anything, so I'll try to include updates on everything!

I've had strep throat/tonsillitis twice in the past month, which has prompted for an ENT visit. Of course, the doctor wants me to have my tonsils removed. For adults, that requires a 2 week recovery period. What full-time working mother has time for that? Anyway, I won't be able to work or pick Noah up for a full two weeks after the surgery. But, it guarantees I'll never get it again - which is the end result I want. 4 times in less than a year period is WAY too many times for me. That is the most unpleasant sickness I have ever experienced. I would rather go through labor again (well...with the epidural) than have my tonsils blister and swell like they did. So, I broke down and scheduled the surgery for Nov 1. I may have second thoughts and end up cancelling it, but for now, it's scheduled.

Noah had his share of being sick recently also. We've been battling with his ears draining. He has definitely developed a fear of doctor offices. I can't take him into a doctor office room without him screaming the entire time pointing at the door! But I don't blame him. They have had to "vaccum" the drainage from his ear two different times. That involves us restraining him. I'm not sure who hates it more - me or him. It breaks my heart. But, I think we have finally won the battle and his ears have cleared up!!! He also had a virus last week that made him just want to be held. Obviously, I didn't mind the cuddling, but boy when he was mad, he was MAD!

And most of you know that Billy turned 30 on Sept 19. His surprise birthday party was a success. We had a good turnout and the kids (adults too) enjoyed all the outdoor activities and the cornhole games! It was a beautiful day and we received exciting news from our friends. They shared with us that they are expecting twins! We are very excited for them, as we know they have been through a lot in the past few years! We are happy that they get to experience the joys of being a parent - there's nothing like it!

Wednesday, September 19

Happy 30th Birthday Billy!

Hope you have a great day! And don't forget that you are now 30 and I'm still in my 20's!!!

Monday, August 20

Welcome Tyler and Casey!

My newest cousins were born Friday, August 17, 2007. Welcome to the family little ones!

Tyler Michael
6.0 lbs
20 inches
12:05 am

Casey Ryan
5.8 lbs
19 1/2 inches
12:06 am

Friday, August 17

Happy Birthday MOM!

Today is my mommy's 50th birthday! We love you mom! And she got a great birthday gift early this morning. Her sister had her twin boys on her birthday. So, happy birthday also to Tyler and Casey and congratulations to Micki and Corey!

Tuesday, August 14

Happy Birthday DAD!

Today is my daddy's 50th birthday! Love you!

Friday, August 10

Vegas Baby!

Most of you know that I was planning a trip to Vegas to see Tim McGraw and Faith Hill...I had front row seats to their show and I didn't want to pass it up. Then I was back and forth, back and forth on my decision to go because of the expenses! Also, something came up with work that Billy couldn't go with me anymore. I was so disappointed and torn. cousin Angie came to the rescue! She wanted to go with me on the trip! So we packed up and headed to Vegas! And what a trip it was! We stayed at the MGM since that is where the concert was.

We got there early Friday morning and had the whole day to "bake" out in the extremely miserable heat! But the sights and "hotels" - more like towns of their own - were amazing to see. We made it downtown to see the light show that night. Again, AMAZING! And we had a - I guess you could call it - ENTERTAINING? - trip on the shuttle bus back to the hotel.

Saturday we did more sight seeing and that night was the concert. We really had front row seats and it was so great. We both were able to get hand shakes (okay, more like a tap of the finger) from both Tim and Faith at least once! And at the end of their show, they came of the stage right in front of us. Of course, I took hundreds of pictures!

Sunday morning came really quick (as we only had two hours from the time we went to bed until we had to get up to make our flight). It was a nice quick getaway, but it was plenty of time for us to be there. I'm definitely glad we went and very thankful Angie wanted to go. I would've missed out on all the excitement and the awesome concert! Thank you Angie!

I also want to thank Billy for letting me go and being excited for me. I hate that he had to miss going on the trip, but he's been supportive of me going all along, even when I wasn't. So, I truly appreciate that! I love you Billy!

Click on the links below to enjoy more pictures!



Tuesday, August 7


On Friday, July 27, we threw a surprise 50th birthday party for my mom and dad. Their birthday's are both in August within 3 days of each other, so I figured it was worth celebrating.

Although my dad, being his sneaky self, knew about it (but didn't tell me), my mom was completely caught off guard. So, I'm glad we surprised at least one of them! There was lots of friends, family, drinking, and fun!

Dad's favorite gift was the cow patty with icing! Yes, it was real and someone was "brave" enough to actually icing it and write Happy Birthday Ken! YUCK!

Thanks to everyone who helped me plan the party. I couldn't have done it without you!


Sunday, July 22

Lions and tigers and bears...

Oh my! We had a lot of fun at the zoo Sunday with Amy and Logan and her brother's family! First we took the kids' pictures on the elephant (which Noah wasn't too cooperative there).
Then we stopped and let the kids play at the new splash park. Noah LOVED that. In fact, they all did!

And then Noah and I rode the carousel. It was a beautiful day!

Tuesday, July 17


One thing I haven't been too great about doing is getting pictures of Noah with me or with grandparents. But, I did remember to have someone take them for me a couple weeks ago!

I really think Noah looks like his Grandma Hurst more than anyone else.

And here is a picture with his Great-Grandma Stenftenagel which makes 4 generations!

Monday, July 16

First trip to the Big EZ

So, we took our first trip to the Big EZ (Laurel River Lake). I think Noah enjoyed much that he fought going to sleep. He helped daddy gather wood/paper to build a fire, had his first roasted marshmallow and campfire hot dog, went on his first boat ride, went to the beach and swam with mommy and daddy, and floated around in the water out in the middle of the lake. Oh...and then there's the whole looking cute the entire time!

Where'd he get that hair???

I am really starting to wonder! It's just so BLONDE!

How sweet he is...

While Noah went strolling with his Grandma Lamont, he decided to pick me my first flower!!! He held it until he got to me! It was so sweet! It's times like this that you forget any "tough" times your children ever give you!

Tuesday, June 26

Like father, like son

Noah decided to wake up at about 4:15 this morning. I'm pretty certain it is from teething (shouldn't that be over with by now?). I went and got him and we watched TV for about an hour before I decided to go get daddy for his shift. They went back in the living room to watch Baby Einstein. When I got up a little after 6:00, I went to see what they were up to, and they were both sleeping on the couch together. It was a great sight to see first thing in the morning. So sweet and peaceful. Too bad I didn't think to get a picture!

But that sight made me decide that I'll let Billy get up with Noah every time he wakes up in the middle of the night from now on. They both love to watch TV, and I love to sleep, so it works out well!

Monday, June 25

Being cute, working, and sleeping

It just comes natural to Noah to be cute! He is such a good looking little guy and then there's all the cute things that he does. Like this weekend, at his first wedding reception, he joined in on all the dancing and learned some new dance moves. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me! Can you believe it? Me either! I could slap myself! Anyway, I hope I get some of the snapshots others were taking and maybe even get to see the video some day!

The other evening, Noah was helping us wash the van. He was doing a great job - at throwing bubbles and water around everywhere! He just loves to be outside - guess he gets that from his grandparents, as we all know this heat is not for me!

So, after all that hard work he put into washing the van, he was pooped! He cuddled up to his stuffed Eeyore that his Godmother Angie gave him and slept so peacefully!