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Monday, December 29

Happy Holidays!

We hope everyone had a great and safe Christmas. We stayed very busy, but it was a wonderful Christmas for the Lamont family!!!

Noah made reindeer food at daycare and he sprinkled it on our grass for the reindeer to eat the night Santa came. He also left Santa some cookies and milk. When Noah woke up Christmas morning, we checked on the reindeer food, cookies and milk - they were gone! Then we headed downstairs where Noah ripped into the presents immediately. He didn't waste time! He went from one present to the other! Here is his "small" collection of gifts!

Daddy got lots of stuff for his bar this year. If you didn't know better, you'd think he was a drunk or something! I know he's looking forward to putting everything on the walls and in the cabinets. As soon as the countertops are in, that will be done!

Mommy was spoiled as usual too. My favorite gift was being able to wake up in my home with Billy and Noah in Jasper! I was so happy to be able to spend the holiday's with my family without having to travel. And I am pretty sure my mom and dad are sick of seeing me actually!!!

The growing family! Next year we will have our little baby girl in the picture somewhere too!

We are so blessed to have Noah and a baby on the way. Noah has such a great personality and is the cutest little boy I have ever seen! Okay, so maybe I'm biased, but I can't help it! His big blue eyes, dimples and his sweet voice just melt my heart everyday. I just can't get enough of him.

Monday, December 22

Katie and Lisa

Lisa at 27 weeks and Katie at 24 weeks.

Our family seems to think this is a "tradition". Hope they don't continue to expect a picture like this each year!

Talk about some "Tacky" sweaters!

Friday, December 19

And so it begins...

Christmas parties! Yes, our family get together's start this weekend already. We are hosting my Grandma Stenftenagel's Christmas at our house Saturday night. I am looking forward to seeing everyone's tacky sweaters!!! Yes, we are having a tacky sweater contest in the family. I am certain we will have some good ones!

On Sunday, we will be traveling to Louisville to have Christmas with Billy's family. We are looking forward to seeing everyone and all the kids again. It's been a while!

I will be off through the new year beginning next Wednesday. I can't wait to spend my time off with family, friends, and mostly, Noah! He'll be home with me everyday!! He'll get so spoiled and will probably have a hard time getting back in the routine of things and going back to daycare.

Christmas eve will be my Grandpa Stenftenagel's party and Christmas day will be with the Hurst family. It will be hard not having Grandma there and I will miss her, but I also know she'll be there with us, hitting my dad on the head with a spoon when he misbehaves!

And we can't wait to see Noah's reaction when opening all his gifts on Christmas morning. I'm fairly certain Santa will be spoiling the little stinker, but he has been good this year (just needs work on the whole potty training thing). He wants a car race track from Santa, so we hope Santa doesn't disappoint!

On another note, our basement is so close to being finished. The cabinets came in this week and my uncle was quick to get them installed!!! We are so excited. Plywood will have to do until our counter top is in (which will be after the new year). We still need to get our sink, garbage disposal, barstools, and microwave. So, we have plenty to do while we wait for the countertop. Billy plans to have a "stock the bar" party (or two) in the very near future!

And when that is finished, our next project will be getting the nursery in order. We only have 13 weeks left before our baby girl is here! Time sure flies. I am looking for a full size bedroom suit for Noah. Any suggestions where to look for one without spending gobs of money? He is outgrowing his little toddler bed, and we need the crib mattress back for the crib. Oh, so much to do and so little time!

Monday, December 8

Enjoying our time!

I hope this finds everyone doing well! I know the flu has been going around and some nasty colds too. We've all been hit with one thing or another, but we're all doing better now. We've been staying very busy the past few weeks. Time sure flies. I can't believe I only have 14 more weeks before our little girl is here! We have a lot to do in that time and all the holiday's are coming up too! So, I think these last few months will go by very fast.

Noah absolutely LOVES to play games. The picture below was us having fun with the Elefun game. I thought I'd catch him instead of us catching the butterflies. He enjoyed it for a minute at least! ;-)

We spent Thanksgiving in Louisville with Billy's family. It was nice to see everyone again. And we all enjoyed the wonderful food. Noah especially liked the sweet potatoes!

I tried getting a good picture of Noah with Mamaw and Papaw, but all of the pictures always had someone looking away. It's still a good picture though. I's hard to keep your eyes off that cute little boy! He's so adorable and sweet. His personality is amazing and he definitely makes us all laugh!

Apparently Noah has been good enough for St. Nick to stop by and fill his stocking! He was so excited about it. He got lots of goodies.

A Lightning McQueen cup!

Shreck the Third and Shreck the Halls DVD

CANDY! His favorite out of everything!

A Lightning McQueen bowl.

A snowglobe...

And there were some other goodies too. He took every single thing out of the stocking and showed me what it was. He had so much excitement about all of it! I loved every minute of seeing his bright blue eyes!!!
While we were in Louisville over the weekend for my company year end party, Noah stayed with Mimi and Pappy. I know he had a great time. He keeps telling me all kinds of things they did. Apparently they threw a bug in the toilet, he ate applesauce with a silly brown and blue spoon, they played games, and they went to see Santa! There was a little Christmas program at the middle school and Mimi and Noah went there to see it. Noah's ticket was drawn and he won a gift of money!! He got to go up to Santa to get the envelope, shake his hand and tell him thank you! He also got to see Rudolph, Elmo, Pooh and Grover (but Noah says is Cookie Monster). He definitely had a great weekend.
I was sad to miss him seeing Santa, but I was happy to be visiting my friend Liron and her baby girl. Shylee is as beautiful as ever and is growing so fast. Liron and Gene are such great parents and I'm so happy to see their beautiful family together! I can't wait for our girls to be able to play together and become friends. They will be so close in age!!!
Billy flew out of Louisville yesterday for Boulder, CO! He will be back late Wed night. I'm so looking forward to then! I've missed him and it's just been one night so far! I mean, I did have to put a bookshelf together all by myself tonight. It was not fun! It would have been so much better to have let Billy do it for me. He would have been happy to do it also! ;-)
We hope to see all our family and friends over the holiday's. And we are both looking forward to waking up on Christmas morning in our home. We've been traveling on Christmas for the past 9 years, so this will be new to us. And it's perfect timing as Noah is more excited and understanding of Christmas and Santa. I can't wait!!! I'm so blessed and happy to be back "home" in Jasper and have my wonderful husband and adorable son with me! Thank you again Billy, for making this dream come true for me!

Monday, December 1

How Exciting!!!

My cousin Chad and his wife Katie are also expecting a baby girl! YEAH! We're all so excited. We'll have two baby girls less than a month apart in the Stenftenagel family now. First baby girl for 23 years!! We'll be seeing lots of pinks and purples now!! And even more exciting is that our boys are just 9 weeks apart! How'd that happen?!?!

Sunday, November 16

MUCH better pictures!

22 weeks

He's so sweet to his baby sissy!

Saturday, November 15

It's HERE!!!

My camera has arrived - and it even works! I'm so excited!

Noah is still not feeling great, but I did manage to get a few pictures of him playing today during the times when he was feeling okay. I sure hope he's feeling even better tomorrow. It's breaking my heart to see him hurt!
He wanted to play soooooo bad. So, we played with "Thomas and Friends" downstairs!
Then later in the evening, while I was trying to fold blankets and towels, he decided to play in them. Seeing his smile makes me smile!
I really didn't want to include this picture...but it is the very first picture of my belly during this pregnancy. I am 22 weeks here and looking HUGE! She's been very active lately...more and more every day!
Here are some pictures of our basement. It's still a work in progress, so please excuse the mess ;-)

Thursday, November 13

Where is my camera?!?!

I am still waiting on my camera to be sent back to me after being repaired. It was supposed to be here Tuesday...I'm starting to worry!

As soon as I get it though, I will have pictures to post of our basement. We have had much progress on it! The carpet is all finally installed. The only thing left to do is organize everything and get the bar area finished. Billy has done a great job with keeping everything going on the basement. He is actually getting all his computer stuff out and his office put together tonight! I can't believe he went this long without it! It was kinda funny the other day though...we had to have Insight come out and look at some cable issues we were having. The guy was completely stunned to see all the servers and equipment he did already have put up. His actual words were "I've never seen anything like this in my life". Yes, I know, my husband has a problem! But it's what he loves to do and it keeps him learning and keeps him out of trouble!

Noah has enjoyed playing in the basement so much already. He loves to roll from one side to the other - but there's a catch! Someone has to do it with him. He says mommy can't because it will hurt the baby (or maybe I told him that and he remembered), so it ends up being daddy and any visitors. I've got to say though, mimi needs a little more practice!

Actually, Noah was sick today. We're not sure what he has yet. I'm thinking it is just a stomach virus or the flu (even though he had a flu shot), but it is breaking my heart to see him be the way he is. I would do anything to take the pain away! I sure hope he's feeling better tomorrow!

Can you believe we're in the last two months of 2008? It's amazing to think that our little (well, she'll probably be big) baby girl will be here in just 4 short months. We have a lot to do in that time to prepare for her arrival, but we are so anxious to meet her and bring her home!!!

We've already started on some Christmas shopping. I always overwhelm myself by waiting until the last minute. I hope to start getting better with that!

We look forward to seeing everyone over the holidays in the weeks to come. Hope to get together with all our family and friends, so keep in touch!

Saturday, November 1

Ultrasound news

I lost the battle this time around. Billy (shockingly) said we were finding out the baby's sex at our ultrasound. I figured since I put my foot down the last time and promised he could find out with our second baby, I better not go back on my word.

During the ultrasound, the technician looked at almost everything else before getting to the gender. The heartrate of the baby was 119, which convinced me it was a boy. But 14 minutes into the ultrasound, she asked what name we have picked out for a girl...because, we're having a GIRL!!!

We are both very excited to be blessed with Noah and now be blessed with a girl. Although I would take another boy anyday - they are so sweet! We both just pray for a healthy baby. And from the ultrasound results, that is what we have. The baby is growing and developing great and everything looked good.

I already warned Billy that I will be buying a lot of things for baby girl! As Katie says, she is 20 weeks old already and doesn't even have her first pair of shoes! So, I need to get busy. And I'm fairly certain it won't be hard to find anything cute and adorable for her. I have learned that there are racks and racks and racks of girl clothes when there are usually one or two racks of boy clothes. There are definitely adorable, cute clothes for boys too, they are just much harder to find!

As you can tell from this picture, she likes her hands by her head. She kept them by her head almost the entire ultrasound. At one point, we even saw her stand right on my bladder (literally). She was moving all around! It was amazing!

We told Noah that he's going to have a little sissy, and he replied with a "Yeah" like he already knew that. He has said from day one that it was a sissy, so I guess we should just listen to him - he knows what he's talking about!

Tuesday, October 21

What we've been up to...

Well, I would post pictures of it all, but my camera is being repaired and my old camera won't even turn on anymore. I am so ready to have a working camera back in my hands!

Anyway, we have been quite busy lately. We recently celebrated our 7th anniversary! Time sure flies when you're having fun! We went to dinner and stayed in downtown Louisville. We also met Shylee! She is adorable and we're just so happy for Liron and Gene! They are wonderful parents!

We have also been finishing our basement the past few weeks. We're making huge progress with the help of my uncle and all the plumbers, electricians and other workers that have been in and out of our house lately. Billy has been working very hard too! He and my mom painted downstairs, he has done a lot of electrical work with his dad, installed a sink in our bathroom, and most recently he layed tile in a 200+ sq ft area where the bar will be. Thank you Brandon and mom, for your help! The only things left to do are to have the carpet installed (which is being done next Thurs and Fri) and install the cabinets and countertops for the bar! We are both so anxious to have this all done!

This weekend was a busy weekend for Noah. He went trick or treating at the Louisville Zoo and also went to Huber Winery. He enjoyed the pumpkins, feeding the animals, and the slides!!!

The baby is starting to become very active. I have been feeling the baby move more and more each day. I am anxious to see the baby on the ultrasound next week! I guess Billy plans to make his decision on finding out the sex while we are having the ultrasound. I'm guessing that will be a "Yes, I want to know" decision, but we will see!

This week, Billy is in Louisville all week in a training class for work. He is so excited about getting to eat Sushi and all the other food options he has there that we definitely don't have here. We both miss that!!!

Thursday, October 16

Find out..or Wait?!?!?

Everyone has 14 days to convince Billy on his decision of finding out the sex of the baby! It's up to him with this pregnancy! Our ultrasound is scheduled for Thursday, October 30. I still want to wait to find out and he says he doesn't know for sure. He says he wants to wait, but wants to find out too. So, here's your chance to voice your opinion!!! Do we wait or do we find out?!?! Post your response!

Friday, October 10

Welcome Shylee Jaslyn!!!

Congratulations Liron and Gene on the birth of your beautiful baby girl! Shylee Jaslyn was born on October 8, 2008 at 12:59 pm and weighed 6 lbs 5 oz, 19 1/4" long! I am so excited for your new family and can't wait to see you all and meet our Goddaughter! She is blessed to have such wonderful parents!

Tuesday, September 30

Names, names and more names I know it's really early to be thinking about this, but we have been discussing names for our baby. There is a poll to the right for names - cast your vote. We have a few names in mind for a girl, and even fewer for a boy. So help us out! Post a comment with any other girl and boy name suggestions to this posting! I would like to have "Joseph" as the middle name for a boy!

As of now, we don't plan to find out the sex of the baby at our ultrasound. We want to be surprised again! With Noah, we didn't find out - more because I didn't want to know. I told Billy then that if we don't find out with our first baby, he would get to make the decision for our second baby. And shockingly, he is saying he wants to wait this time too! I'm so excited, because that is what I would choose again too. It was so exciting to find out the day we had Noah. I know a lot of people disagree with this, but there are just so few surprises in life and we want to experience this surprise! We honestly don't have a preference for a boy or girl this time either. We will be happy with either and just pray for another healthy baby!

Monday, September 22

He loves me!!!

I have FINALLY been able to get Noah to say "I love you mommy"! It's music to my ears and just makes my heart melt. It seems like it's been a long wait for those words from my little guy, but it's been well worth the wait!

It seems like he has grown up overnight. He has been talking so much more in just the past few weeks. It's like a light switch was turned on and he decided to say so much more. He's always been a little stubborn about repeating new words...but now, we have to watch what we say, because he repeats EVERYTHING.

And he is easily entertained. I bought him a little backpack with a handle and he pulls that thing behind him through the house, over and over and over. It's so cute. He thinks it's the best toy ever right now. And it's a back pack! It's adorable! Which I guess makes me easily entertained also!

Thursday, September 18

Appointment #2

I had another doctor's appointment today for the pregnancy. Everything is going great and I've already gained that first pound. I sure hope I don't gain as many as I did with Noah! That was nuts! But I guess I did have a healthy baby, so I can't really complain!!!

The baby's heartbeat was in the 160's and the doctor said it sounded good and strong. That's always a very relieving thing to hear! I'm anxious to start feeling this little one move around. It's no fun being sick and tired when you can't even experience the wonderful feeling of the baby! I know it will come soon enough though.

Hope everyone is doing well. Take care!

Grandma...I miss you!

One thing I didn't mention in my last blog is that I lost my Grandma Hurst recently. She was a STRONG, wonderful, caring, loving person and I miss her dearly! I think of you each day Grandma, and I hope that I live a healthy, fulfilling life like you did! You are an inspiration! Please know that we all miss you and love you always!

Tuesday, September 16

Where did the time go?

Okay, I know that I've completely neglected the blog! Hopefully now that things have calmed down a bit, I hope to keep up with it again!

For those who haven't heard about all our recent news, here goes...

First, Billy was offered a fantastic job opportunity in Jasper, back in my home town. I have been trying to get back to Jasper pretty much since I moved away. I have missed my family dearly. And my wonderful husband went along with my wishes and was on a mission to find a job to meet his needs. It took years to find the "right" opportunity, but it finally came! He now works for MasterBrand Cabinets and we have been living in Jasper for almost 3 months. We were able to sell our house in Lagrange and find a house in Jasper all within a month of Billy starting his new job. In today's market, that's a feat in itself!

Second, I had bittersweet emotions about having to leave my job. I love doing what I do and the people I work for are great. So, it was hard to have to give that up. In some wonderful way, I was blessed with the opportunity to keep my current position, working for the same people, but working mainly from home! I cannot begin to say how grateful I am for that opporutnity and how shocked I was to be offered the opportunity. I thank everyone who had a decision in that from the bottom of my heart!

Last, but definitely not least, just a few weeks after all this happened, we found out we are expecting baby #2! We are thrilled to say the least. I don't think we could have planned for any of this to have happened any better. It's been a crazy few months, but it has all been a huge blessing. According to the doctor, our due date is March 21, 2009! Yes, that is just 3 days after my birthday and just 1 day before Noah's birthday. Looks like Billy will always have a busy month in March!
Noah has been growing up too fast on us. He is now repeating EVERYTHING (so watch what you say Pappy and Bubby)! He is talking so much and learning so much each day. It amazes me how quick it all happens. We have been telling him that we will be having a baby. He has been very sweet and he kisses my belly and says hi to the baby. When we ask him if he wants a brother or sister, he says "sissy" EVERY time. He has transitioned great into his new daycare. He does great there and I usually have to drag him out of there kicking and screaming, because he isn't ready to go home. So, I think he likes it too!

I do want to thank you, Billy, for the "sacrifices" you made to help our dreams come true. I know you won't get to eat sushi for lunch every week now, you moved further away from your family, and that you left a very very comfortable job to come here. I hope that you don't regret your decisions. I know that you will be very successful in everything that you do and with time, you will prove that! Thank you for everything you have done for our family! You have no idea how much it means to me that you would change it all to allow me to get back "home". Now...hurry up and get that basement finished and the garage cleaned up! I love you :-)

Thursday, March 13

For Sale!

It's been a while...and a lot has been happening.

Noah is getting ready to turn 2. I can't believe it. Time sure flies. And of course, I had to have his pictures taken. You can view them here! And if you want one, please let me know. I have plenty of pictures to go around. Billy and I couldn't decide on favorites and ended up with A LOT of pictures again. It's just so hard when he's so darn cute!

Noah's vocabulary is increasing with each day. His favorite words right now are "Hoooooooome" and "Poooooooooh". He is asking to watch Pooh all the time. And now that "The Bee Movie" has been released, I'm certain that will be another request. He points out bees all the time in books, toys, and when we watch Pooh. We were watching the movie last night for the first time and he seemed to really enjoy it (so did Billy). I didn't get to see much of it, but I heard Billy and Noah both laughing several times. Goofy kids.

Last weekend, we had a huge (for us anyway) 14" snowfall. As much as I am ready for spring, it was nice to actually have a significant snow for Noah to play in. Although this may have been a little too much for his short legs! Click here to see pictures of him and daddy in the snow and some other recent miscellaneous, but adorable pictures.

We have plans to move to IN. Although it still isn't Jasper, it is closer and just over the bridge from Louisville. So, our house is for sale and we are in the market for a new house in Floyd County. Hopefully the open house this weekend generates something for our house. Now that the weather is getting warmer/nicer, we expect things to pick up.

Hope this finds everyone well. Happy Easter!!